Wednesday, October 17, 2012

Governor's Palace

After the big "storming the palace" event, we decided to visit the Governor's Palace.    Walking through Colonial Williamsburg kind of reminded me of things going on in our world right now.   Look at this elaborate decor on the top of their home.   Can you imagine looking at that when you are struggling to feed your family and survive day to day?  

Is it any wonder the front entry room of their home was so intimidating?   Look at all these weapons that greeted you when you walked in.

I have to say that this governor certainly reminded me of our current administration and government with all their extravagance in the face of all the people who are hurting.

We loved their gardens and took a few pics there.

1 comment:

The JR said...

Great pics.

But, that's wild what they did to that fig tree. I might have to do that with the cuttings I'm rooting.