Monday, August 2, 2010


The washing machine is going full speed.     I am trying to make sure Big Guy has everything he needs for his mission trip with his youth group to Fort Worth, Texas.     Every summer our middle school youth group goes to Texas to volunteer with a mission called "Beautiful Feet Ministries".     Their ministry is to be a shining light to the homeless of Fort Worth.    

Our kids will be volunteering for the next six days doing kid's camps, yard work, building projects, evangelism, serving meals, and anything else that is on the schedule.     On Friday night they will participate in the "Fishing For Men" outreach.     Their goal for the night is "Operation Dog Drop".   The kids will make about 600 hot dogs and they will go out into the surrounding areas to places where homeless people hang out (parks, parking lots, etc...) and hand out hot dogs and water.    They will take this time to just talk and share Jesus and make sure that they are aware of the Beautiful Feet ministry.

The Scripture emphasis for Beautiful Feet..

"In as much as you have done unto the least of these my brothers,
you have done unto me."    Matthew 25:40

I am so proud of our middle school youth group.     I can't wait to hear about their life changing trip.    


Allison said...

I wanna go!

Dr. Wifey said...

what an awesome ministry!

Patti Lacy said...

Sigh. Well, I'm backtracking but am glad to know you did his laundry!
