Wednesday, April 30, 2008

Praying Continuously....

It is late and the house is silent. I enjoy these moments. Just me and God reflecting over the day. I think of all the times we have chatted.

"Lord, thank you for this day. Be with me as I start it. Be in control of every second..."

"There they go, Lord. Another day. Keep them safe, Lord...."

"There are so many police officers out today. I pray that all of their stops are "routine", Lord, and that they all get home to their families tonight."

"Thank you for answers to pray, Lord. I am in awe of how you truly answer us. Some of your best answers come in truly tiny packages."

"I can't believe I just did that, Lord. Why do I keep making that same mistake over and over again? Father, guide me to a better way."

"Whatever my boys are doing right now.... hug them for me."

"Lord, be with my friends in Russia. Their desire to serve you humbles me. Keep them on my heart and help me to be faithful to pray for them. Heap blessings on them today, Lord."

Even with all of these chats, I wonder how many opportunities I have missed, overlooked, and skipped to chat with my Lord. My heart's desire is that my life will be a living, breathing prayer to Him.

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